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Kilifi County, Kenya

+254 716 087 685

Impact a Mother, Change a Story

$20 of $20,000 raised
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Donation Total: $10

In many marginalized communities across Kilifi County, adolescent girls and young mothers face overwhelming challenges. Teenage pregnancy, school dropouts, gender-based violence (GBV), inadequate health information, and severe economic hardships are common issues that force many of these young women into cycles of poverty and social isolation. For the young mothers in Kilifi, their reality is one of limited options and an uncertain future.

EmpowerNet Org recognized the pressing need to address these challenges and launched the “Impact a Mother, Change a Story” initiative in August 2024. This program is a holistic and long-term solution aimed at providing sustainable support to adolescent girls and young mothers across Kilifi County, giving them the opportunity to rebuild their lives, access education, and gain financial independence.

The problem

Teenage pregnancy remains a significant problem in Kilifi County, with devastating consequences for the girls affected. Many drop out of school, cutting short their education and leaving them with few job prospects. As young mothers, they often face societal stigma and are forced to shoulder adult responsibilities before they are emotionally or financially ready. The lack of access to sexual and reproductive health education increases the issue, as many girls do not have the knowledge or means to make informed decisions about their health and futures.

In Kilifi, where opportunities for education and employment are scarce, these girls are trapped in a cycle of poverty. They are left without the skills, education, or financial resources to improve their lives and those of their children.

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Challenges Faced by Adolescent Girls and Young Mothers

The challenges these young mothers face are multi-faceted:

  • Educational Disparities: Teenage pregnancy is a major factor contributing to the high dropout rates among girls. Without education, their opportunities for gainful employment are severely limited. Many of the young mothers want to return to school but face financial barriers and lack of family support.
  • Economic Hardships: Young mothers in Kilifi struggle to provide for their children, as they lack the vocational skills needed for employment or entrepreneurship. Many of them remain dependent on family members or unsustainable income sources, leaving them in a cycle of poverty.
  • Health and SRHR Needs: Inadequate health information  and sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR) education is minimal, further endangering their well-being. The lack of proper health information leaves them vulnerable and uneducated about family planning options.
  • Social Stigma and GBV: Gender-based violence and the stigma of being a teenage mother often push these young women further into isolation. They are discriminated against by society, and without a support network, they face heightened risks of abuse and exploitation.
The “Impact a Mother, Change a Story” Program

We developed the  “Impact a Mother, Change a Story” initiative to address these crucial challenges head-on by focusing on four key pillars: education, economic empowerment, health and SRHR, and gender equality.

The program’s overarching goal is to empower young mothers and adolescent girls to break free from the cycle of poverty and stigma by providing them with holistic support that addresses both their immediate needs and their long-term prospects.

1. Education and Reintegration

The program focuses on reintegrating adolescent mothers into the school system. EmpowerNet Org assists by covering school fees, providing educational materials, and offering mentorship to guide these girls back into the classroom. By offering them the chance to complete their education, the program seeks to restore hope and provide a foundation for a better future.

2. Economic Empowerment

To help young mothers achieve financial independence, the program offers vocational skills training in areas such as tailoring, handicrafts, and entrepreneurship. We also aim to establish savings groups to foster economic resilience, allowing young mothers to pool resources, save for their futures, and build a support network within their communities.

3. Health and Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR)

The program partners with local healthcare providers to offer vital health information, family planning, and sexual and reproductive health education (SRHR). By educating adolescent girls and young mothers about their health and reproductive rights, we empower them to make informed decisions about their bodies, health, and families. SRHR services also include counseling, access to contraception, and sexual education.

4. Gender Equality and Advocacy

Gender-based violence (GBV) and discrimination are significant challenges faced by young mothers. The program tackles this by advocating for gender equality within the community through workshops and campaigns that engage men and boys, as well as community leaders. EmpowerNet Org fosters open dialogue around gender roles, aiming to dismantle the harmful societal attitudes that lead to  stigma and discrimination against teenage mothers.

5. Technology

We leverage technology to foster economic growth, particularly for young women, enabling them to achieve sustainable development and improved livelihoods.

6. Financial Support

Establishing microfinance programs and offering financial literacy training.


Summary of the Kachororoni Event

The official launch of the “Impact a Mother, Change a Story” program took place on 31st August 2024 in Kachororoni, Ganze Sub County. The event brought together 26 young mothers, aged 15 to 20, who participated in interactive discussions about their challenges and aspirations.

The data gathered from these discussions was revealing: out of the 26 participants, 19 had dropped out of school, while 7 were still attending despite financial struggles. These girls shared their stories in small, intimate groups, focusing on areas such as education, economic empowerment, health, gender and children’s rights. Through their input shaped the future direction of the program, that will ensure that each girl’s unique challenges are addressed holistically.

As a gesture of support, each young mother received a hamper containing essential baby items and personal care products, easing the financial burden of motherhood. Beyond the material aid, the event symbolized the beginning of a new chapter for these girls, one where their voices will lead the way in shaping their futures.

The Path Forward

The “Impact a Mother, Change a Story” program is not a one-time intervention but a long-term initiative. Our goal is to create sustainable solutions that will break the cycle of poverty for adolescent girls and young mothers in Kilifi County. We are committed to collaborating with local stakeholders, including government departments, healthcare providers, and community leaders, to ensure the program’s success.

By providing education, economic empowerment, and health services, we are building a support system that these girls can rely on, helping them to rise above their current circumstances and create better futures for themselves and their children.

Financial Support and How You Can Help

The “Impact a Mother, Change a Story” program relies on financial support from individuals, organizations, and stakeholders who believe in the power of education and empowerment to transform lives. We invite potential donors, partners, and well-wishers to contribute to this cause, whether through monetary donations, in-kind support, or mentorship opportunities.

Your support will directly impact the lives of these young mothers, helping them return to school, access healthcare, attain financial independence and build sustainable livelihoods. Together, we can help them reclaim their futures and break the cycle of poverty, one mother at a time.


Through the “Impact a Mother, Change a Story” program  we continue to work with the girls across Kilifi County, we remain steadfast in our mission to empower adolescent girls and young mothers to overcome the challenges of teenage pregnancy, gender inequality, and economic hardship. With collective action and sustained support, we can create sustainable, positive change for these young women and their communities.